

Key Hires

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Why most job descriptions prevent optimal hiring

People rarely underperform due to lack of experience or expertise; it’s almost always because of everything else.


For high performers at mastery level, the role’s context and challenges matter far more than lists of skills, experience, and academic requirements typically found in job descriptions.

Our design-thinking approach replaces these lists with Key Performance Objectives that define on-the-job success. As part of this we define the context of the role including the hiring authority’s leadership style, the pace and intensity of the company, how decisions are made and organisational dynamics. These critical factors ultimately determine whether a new hire thrives or not.


The Buyer persona + Opportunity Narrative approach not only satisfies the skills and experience aspect of the role, but once we start talking about scope, scale and impact, we also ensure we identify and engage with potential candidates who display the characteristics required to be successful in the role.

High performing professionals at ‘mastery-level’ only want to hear about opportunities framed as meaningful career moves. Roles that offer clear ROI.

Our unique approach, inspired by Account-Based Marketing (ABM), guarantees engagement with the top 10% of the talent pool, ensuring competitive advantage.

Opportunity Narrative

Always starts with what’s in it for me (WIIFM)) – why should someone want this job?

We work closely with hiring managers to inject WIIFM by transforming job descriptions into compelling opportunity narratives that highlight the scope, scale, and impact of the role. By uncovering and presenting the true value proposition, we ensure the position resonates with the right candidates.

Buyer Persona

Always starts with who – who would be the best person for this job?

We eliminate guesswork by applying marketing principles, creating detailed profiles of ideal candidates, targeting specific parameters that align with those for whom the role represents genuine career advancement. We take into account their current career stage and how the position should fit with their goals. With this insight, we craft a compelling value proposition tailored to our target audience.

Optimal recruitment starts here..
We look forward to hearing from you!

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